Why You Should Drink Soy Milk

By Paul Kibb

When we see people drinking soy milk sometimes we assume one or two things. The first is the possibility that they are lactose intolerant and the second that they are a vegetarian. However, there are many great benefits to drinking it besides the fact that it is quite delicious.

Think Before You Drink Soy Milk

By Marti Angel

I stop by Starbuck's every now and then for my morning coffee. The other day I noticed they'd put some pamphlets on the checkout counter about how good their soymilk is for you. I'd like to share my thoughts on this with you. Many people think of soymilk as a healthy milk substitute, they seem to buy into the media hype- and I doubt Starbuck's means its customers any harm. But you shouldn't drink it.

Soymilk Ice Cream Favorite: Classic Diner Banana Split

By Virginia Butters

Soymilk ice cream is an excellent alternative to regular dairy ice cream. If you're vegan or have a dairy allergy, enjoying delicious ice cream treats may seem out of the question. But don't despair - soymilk ice cream tastes every bit as good as dairy ice cream. It's available in many grocery stores and supermarkets, and comes in a wide variety of flavors.

Tofu: A Coagulated Soymilk Product

By Navodita Maurice

Tofu also known as bean curd is actually a product obtained by coagulating soymilk and then pressing the resulting curd into white blocks. It is native to China and is also a part of East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines. A number of varieties of tofu are available like the fresh tofu and the tofu processed in other way. It has got very little flavor of its own so can be served with other dishes or even marinated with other agents depending on the dish with which it is being served. It is a very important part of Buddhism as it is rich in protein and forms a part of vegetarian diet of East Asian Buddhist people. It is low in calories but rich in iron and also bears low fat content. Depending upon the coagulant used by the manufacturers it may be having high calcium or magnesium content.

Soy Milk: A Substitute for Cow's Milk

By Navodita Maurice

Soy milk also referred to as soy drink or soy beverage is a beverage obtained from soybeans. It is a stable emulsion of oil, protein and water obtained by soaking and grinding soybeans in water. Soy milk contains about same proportion of protein as present in cow's milk. Soy milk contains 3.5% protein, 2% fat, 2.9% carbohydrate and 0.5% ash. Soy milk can be prepared in home with traditional kitchen tools or with soy milk machine. The coagulated protein obtained from this milk can be used to make tofu in the same way as dairy milk is used for making cheese.